Saturday, November 24, 2007

My Purpose

Why did I start blogging besides wanting to be like everyone else in the cyber-universe?

I came of age in the 60's. Like everyone else, I wanted to change the world. I still do. I want to inspire us all to make something better and different from what we have.

Primarily, my focus is to change medicine and psychiatry. I wish to re-animate the world, to re-infuse our field with the spirits of shamanism, to keep what works and discard what doesn't, to overthrow our worship of theory for a love of possibility, to support what is beautiful and transformative among people, to support hope, faith, and love, and to defy the idea that people are defective, that change is impossible, and that mechanism is everything. I wish to return art and spirit to health care, to explore what is healing and what does it mean to heal and be healed.

Within larger arenas I am interested in how we can build healthy communities, use communities to support health, and replace punishment and retribution with reconciliation and forgiveness.

I hope to explore these and other topics within this blog as time progresses and to engage others who share my purpose and interests.


Paideia said...

The Medicine Wheel is my favorite dial for tuning to Spirit. I turn to the West for intellectual healing through the gifts of knowledge passed through the ages in story, song, and record. Your purpose and record about the work in Liberia resonate the power of the West bringing healing to the conditions on Earth. I am an intuitive writer blogging anecdotal works. I like what you are doing.

Lewis Mehl-Madrona said...

I just learned about comments and responding to comments so I'm sorry for the great delay in responding to your comment. thanks for reading. i hope we will chat more.

Anonymous said...

Dr Mehl-Madrona,

I am an OB-GYN in Tucson and I am also a friend of Ann Marie Chiasson, MD and Rocky Crocker, MD. In the last two years I have graduated from the Univ. of Arizona Program of Integrative Medicine and I am a PhD student in Transpersonal Psychology at ITP.

I wholeheartedly agree with what you are saying. Medicine as we know it, is broken and does not work for even our own culture. I have been told by three different and unrelated people that I need to meet with and I have tried to e-mail, but I am sure you are very busy. I just wanted to let you know that I am out here, and I agree with you. I wish physicians, like you, Weil, Dossey, Remen, and others could push harder on the establishment. I am lending my stethescope to the cause.

Mitakuye Oyasin,

Shawn Tassone, MD
Tucson, AZ

Lewis Mehl-Madrona said...

Dear Shawn,

Thanks for writing. I'm going to post my response in paragraphs one at a time, because I just wrote a long response and it got lost as I was trying to post it. I'm in the far North of Saskatchewan where it touches the Northwest Territories and finding an internet connection is difficult at best. If you look at a map, I'm at the large lake that you can see at the top of Saskatchewan. It's large, perhaps the second or third largest in Canada and extends into Alberta. You can actually see it on a world globe. It's -29 outside and I'm listening to guys talk about fishing and gang killings in Regina and Prince Albert and what people do when they're drunk. I'm in a bed and breakfast. The construction guys are staying here who are working on the clinic next door. I'm hoping for breakfast, but, knowing the North, the woman who will make breakfast will probably show up after I have to go to work. Welcome to the North.

Lewis Mehl-Madrona said...

Dear Shawn,

Miraculously my first paragraph went through, so here's my second paragraph. I'm so glad you wrote. I'd like to meet you next time I come to Tucson. I'm thinking about coming back to Arizona if I can arrange an appropriate venue for teaching. I'm having some discussions with a couple instutitions in Phoenix.

I came here to Saskatchewan thinking I could make a big difference in aboriginal health and healing, but it's been difficult because it's hard to find colleagues with whom to work. I guess I thought I wouldn't have had to start from scratch to make everything happen that I'm doing. I'm getting tired. No resources, no infrastructure, and no colleagues. I really need colleagues like Anne-Marie and Rocky. Since the institutions promote the medicine that is broken, it's hard to find institutions in which to do something different. It's a miracle of sorts. I'd like to hear more from you about ITP. I've had fantasies of teaching through them, but wondered if it's the kind of place where you have to graduate from there to teach there. I'm actually open to getting abother PhD and wonder if you are enjoying yours. I'm interested in learning more about mathematics of complexity and topology and how to use these concepts ot study community and healing. I just found out that breakfast is happening next door, so I'm signing off and thank you for posting. I know there's a way I can link to your blog, but don't know how to do it yet. San Meredith is trying to teach me. She has a great blog also. I'll visit your blog, too.
